Friday, October 08, 2004

Last night

Ahh, what a wonderful day yesterday was. Actually did some data analysis from home while playing poker on the internet. Actually got more work done than I normally do at lab. Had pork chops for lunch. Wandered around outside, fed the duck (oh yeah, some of you may not know - a duck moved into our backyard a couple of months ago. We dug a little pond in one of our gardens and she's been there ever since. Her name is Sippy.)
Then I watched "Ichi the Killer". Definitely had some fucked up scenes that rival any other movie but all in all it wasn't as bad as I thought. Weird though. Ending was a bit off.
The best part of the movie is the henchman, Kakihara. This guy was friggin' sweet. Imagine a psychotic, sadomasochistic Yakuza who gets off on pain. His face is all cut up (so when he smokes the smoke comes out the sides of his face) and he's a total badass. And, the best part is, he dresses like Elton John. Awesome.
Then Lady Head came home and we had sushi. More poker, and then we watched "Every Which Way but Loose". Fantastic (although I do prefer "Any Which Way You Can" - previous posts notwithstanding). Finished the night off with a couple of scotches and Adult Swim and I was good.

On an unrelated note, I've seen several previews for "Friday Night Lights" and this movie is gonna piss me off. What I got from the book is how fucked up of a situation all of these kids is in. Basically the school system sucks, they all have no future, and all they can look foward to is a lifetime of shitty work and drinking beer, reliving the old days on the gridiron and Tiger Woods-ing their kids into football. It was a good look at an economically depressed area and the mentality of the people that live there who only live for football. Reminds me of Youngstown. Especially all of the people in my grandfather's bar (third reference in this blog!) and my old sadistic assistant coaches. Ugh, flashback to 2-a-days. Sick fuckers.
Do you think this is what they're gonna portray? Fuck no. They're gonna pretty it up and make it a feel good movie where they're underdogs win against all odds.
Maybe they'll suprise me but I bet not.


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