Wednesday, October 20, 2004

St. Jude is the MC Serch to my Pete Nice

OK sea monkeys I'm back.
The discussion with that guy was a bit confusing. After a while of us talking he seemed to be down with The Head and he asked if I had any questions. So I asked why he was interested in a systems neurobiologist since he wanted someone to make DNA clones for yeast work. And when I told him I didn't do that he seemed suprised and concerned. Very confusing since he contacted me about the position. And he saw my vitae. But then he switched gears and told me that they want to move to a more systems level approach soon and they don't know shit about that. So who knows what's gonna happen there. Not real excited about it though.

After that I needed some cheering up so I left work, went to BK, ate some whoppers and and took a nap with the kitties. Lady Head woke me up and I ate about 1/2 a bag of those candy corn pumpkins. Those are like crack. You just can't stop eating them. They're in a class of foods that you can't stop eating. Such as: Reese's peanut butter cup eggs, Reese's pieces, honey roasted peanuts (or cashews - which is nature's perfect food), cookie dough, whoppers (the malted milk balls - not the sandwich), cheesecake, and Fritos.

I'm gonna be 500 pounds by the time I'm 40. Then Cheddarback and I could not ride the same elevator (zing).

Today I GOTTA get my shit ready for SFN. Gotta get my poster done today so I can get it printed tomorrow. Then Friday a.m. I'm off to San Diego for a week of drinking on the company dime.

Sniff you jerks later.


At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, why didn't you just lie to him like normal people do in interviews. "You need me to clone yeast cells? I've been doing that since high school." See, its easy. Just about as easy as cloning yeast cells.

You know whats scary? I COMPLETELY agree with you on those foods. I think I could live off of those foods. I don't know why some people don't like the candy corn pumpkins and corn. They're delicious. So are Cadberry Cream Eggs. Its like heaven, in chocolate egg form, which is the best form for anything.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger The Head said...

Yeah, until he's like "I'm going out of town for a conference. Do X,Y, and Z and we'll look at the data when I get back." Then, when he gets back and asks to see the stuff I tell him that I haven't done it but I did beat GTA: San Andreas and blog a bunch.
Plus that shit is BORING.
Cadbury's Cream Eggs are wicked awesome. Aslo, when high, Kit Kats and milkshakes.

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

You guys are so wrong. It is not about the sweets.

Its about the hors'd oeuvres, fooh's. I'm talkin' bout sum parmesan-artichoke dip, stuffed mushrooms, cheese selections, chips, crusty bread things, quesadillas, egg rolls, pot stickers, guacomole, gyoza--- you know how we do.

At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with the other lady on the can't-stop-eating thing. Although I am never sure if my perspective is just skewed under those situations. You are presumably at a party with others - I don't make massive quantities of appetizers for myself - and everything is so damned tiny and delicious so you just keep eating and eating and...

Whatever, I came here to post how I am annoyed because I finished my SFN poster about an hour ago and really want a drink, AND everyone is out at the bar, but they are at a bar too far away from me. This blows.


At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you are more f'd up than I had thought. "I'm HEAD I love myself more than anyone or anything" just ask me!

La cabeza es un asno que adora de jugar con chicos pequeños!!!!

At 11:14 AM, Blogger The Head said...

I have my first angry commenter!
Hey anonymous jerkoff, it's my blog. Why wouldn't I talk about how wonderful I am? 'Cuz I am.
There's more comments at other places as well.
I'm a real blogger now. Sniff.

At 1:38 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Are we sure it's not Cheddarback? (S)He knows me.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger The Head said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger The Head said...

This should go before my "Rawk" comment.
Disappeared Isabella comment #3:

Congratulations, Head.

I thought i had to work a lot harder for my angry comments but whatever. For some people everything comes easy. No wonder you evoke jealous insecurity in foohs.

But seriously-- everyone would be a lot happier if they just gave in to blatant arrogance and self-love, which, contrary to logically-challenged belief systems, does not seek to put down other individuals in order to elevate itself--i mean why? Its pretty fucking obvious that we rawk. And, likewise, contrary to logically-challenged belief systems, accepting one's own rawkaciousness does not mean that one does not, simultaneously, recognize one's own capacity to be a total ass-hole at any given time (which is the human condition common to all) rather one does not seek to make other's responsible for these, sometimes frequent, outbreaks of ass-holishness but accepts and owns the consequences of his/her behavior on his/her own psyche.

Wait-- this isn't my blog-- where am i? Who ate all the hors'd'vors? Long-winded again. Ah!

At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god, I really did it now, I have pissed off a couple of geeks. OH-NO whatever shall I do? Oh yea-Sam, by the way-you still have no balls.


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