Hell's Kitchen

Good Lord, I am turning intosome kind of monster.
I remember bitching to people "What kind of douchebag watches that show? It's just some asshole yelling."
Well, I was in a rut since many of my shows - 24, The Shield, etc. are done for the year. So I was flipping around last week and figured that I could entertain myself yelling at what a stupid show it is.
Well, I like it. WTF is wrong with me?
I think it's like Sex and the City - I liked that show and still have no idea why.
Help me.
Yeah, you need help. I cant explain it either. That show is awful. As Americans, why do we enjoy watching abusive Brits? Unfortunately, i've been scarred for life from working with an abusive brit so that show gives me the creeps.
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