Friday, August 27, 2004

You know what I hate?

Survivalist-type folk. Especially those that live in urban or suburban areas (posers?). These are the people that keep a strong hold on their roots in hickville (no offense, I come from a town of 3K), make their own clothes, refuse to get anything form "big corporations", and are constantly on some DIY project. They berate people who are "city slickers" and "book learned" - talking about "If the power grid went out you'd be screwed." or "If the government collapsed you'd be screwed." or "If there was a nuclear holocaust and you survived it you'd be screwed" or "If there was a plague and you survived it..." - you get the idea.
They keep talking about if all of these unlikely events occur I'd be screwed because I don't have their sweet training on how to live in the "real world". I don't even hunt or own any guns! How will I get my own food and defend mah prop-ar-tay? (one guy brags about how great a shot his wife is - that's what I look for in a woman)
Listen up jerkass. This is the real world. Right here. With grocery stores and mechanics and Starbucks. We also have bars and liquor stores (I know guys that make their own booze. Even though they live IN THE CITY). I love air conditioning. I love the police and fire dept. I love all of the services the city provides like SEWERS. My training lets me have a good job. Sure I can't McGuyver myself up a convection oven from rubber bands and an empty cigarette pack but as long as this is the real world I'm gonna be OK and your gonna be an ignorant 'neck. If that changes you can tell my carcass roasting on your spit "I told you so" but until then you can kiss my ass.

Pretty snobby post. Sorry.


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