Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Congac, Cognac, Cognac!

I am wasted. Gonna explode too. Tayst does not disappoint.
Well, somewhat. I started with a Chopin martini. Tasted a little off on the first sip but I figured that it was b/c I was chewing gum. By the third sip we were at the table and there was something really wrong with it. I brought it to the bar and the bartender made me another. I tasted it and it was still foul. She tasted it, doing the straw thing, and said she didn't get the bad taste. She tried again and definitely got it. We thought it was the ice so she said she's get new ice and send another to the table. Sent and still nasty. By this time I was feeling like the fat, rich guy who's sending everything back since they went through like 1/2 a bottle. So I just got a glass of wine as replacement.

I had the lamb loin. Fantastic. Then T-bone and I had the 4-cognac tasting. Fabulous. Then I ordered us our favorite. The Camus. Assholes. 4 tastings for $15 and then I ordered one of them and it was $15 alone. But the high roller in me said screw it. Always beware when they don't list the prices.

Anyhoo, I'm drunk and the Creme Brulee filled me up beyond comfortable so bedtime is near. Company was good and beyond the SNAFU's I mentioned it was a great meal.

Someday I'll take all of you out.

High Roller!


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