Thursday, October 21, 2004

Hangover guilt.

Inspired by Isabella and my current state, due to the multiple martinis I consumed last night I decided to educate you all on one of the subjects that makes me a wonderful life coach.
Hangover guilt.
How many times have you woken after a night of revelry and was overwhelmed with guilt, shame, etc. about your behavior the night before? Seems like almost everyone has experienced this.
It's just the hangover fucking with you. Alcohol gives you happiness, withdrawal from alcohol gives you unhappiness. It magnifies everything (that isn't forgotten). Chances are you weren't that bad. You were drunk. People knew you were drunk. Hell, chances were that they were drunk too. It's OK. People will understand that you were drunk. Really, how many friends have you lost because of one drunken night? I bet none. And if you did then they weren't friends to begin with. That phone call you made? No big deal. You repeating yourself over and over to that guy at the bar? No big deal.
I'd say over 95% of the time you shouldn't feel bad. Unless you punched someone or got an STD, you're OK.
If you sat alone in your apartment drinking with the shades drawn and the phone unhooked and didn't speak to or see anyone all night, the next morning you'd still feel like you were an asshole the night before (try it and you'll see I'm right). It's just hangover guilt.
Let it go.


At 1:21 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Agreed again! You obviously were well schooled.
Yes, you have to find the right people. Which brings up another truism. To people that don't drink, any amount of drinking is excessive.
Next time someone tells you you're an alcoholic, consider the source. Think about this as you look around at all the people at the intervention. They're a bunch of pussies. You could drink them all under the table. Jump through the window, shoplift some listerine from CVS, and party like it's 1999.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

Deud-- what the fuck? (i wrote out the whole word so as not to offend anyone here)--

Some of my most brilliant comments, here and below, -- entire theories, -- the stuff upon which cults have been founded, its gone! I've been erased-- i've been Trotskyized!

I mean, now that the comments are gone, and i'm too lazy to recreate them, i guess its fair to tell you, i was channeling all of that information from GOD, with whom i often drink.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger The Head said...

I have no idea. I still have them in my inbox. I'll put them up.

At 2:40 PM, Blogger The Head said...

This should go before mine for mine to make sense.
Disappeared Isabella comment #1:

Deud, i am so totally with you on this one, its not even funny. No violence, No STDs, no police interaction = clear blue skies, baby.

It was that time that i tried to beat-up a lover and the time i punched a friend in the balls that i worried about. Lucky those two rawk as hard as i do and forgave me the next day.

Unfortunately, not everyone is this evolved. I think part of the avoidance of hang-over guilt may also avoid avoidance of oppressed, prudish, um, less, um, well, boroad-minded, people. They tend to get a little riled up about things like answering the door in your underwear, drinking the salad-dressing out of the bottle, delivering orations from the middle of the street, speaking in foreign tongues, etc. You don't wanna' hang-out with the wrong crowd.

At 2:41 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Disappeared Isabella comment #2:

i mean "involve avoidance" not "avoid avoidance".

That would be the brain damage.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a relief. I was really worried about good old Head for a minute there when I thought he was responding to his own posts.

Anyhoo - I am really perplexed because I came here expecting some blogging about STAR BAR, but nothing. What the hell are you doing over there? Planning your itinerary like a NERD?


At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is pretty relieving. Usually I'll wake up from a night of drinking feeling like a complete douchebag for no reason, and then later in the day it goes away.

One time I had a little bag of weed and thought I lost it, and ended up drunkenly kind of accusing one of my friends of robbing me. Turns out it was in my pocket the whole time. My friend didn't give a shit. In the morning, I did.

Even now, last night was great. Nothing bad happened, but I woke up with this feeling of guilt about dancing and wanting to get with this chick who's got a boyfriend back home (I'm in college).


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