Chi-town weekend

First off I'm barely functioning here because it was someone else's in the lab turn to buy coffee. They bought whole bean because "it makes better coffee when you grind it fresh." Can you guess the problem? Go ahead, guess. Yep, no grinder in lab. And, since it's summer, the in-building coffeshop is closed. So I got to drag my ass down to Starbuck's if I'm gonna get anything done today.
OK, on to the vacation. Thurs. our flight was delayed so we did not get to the Ash-holes until 9:30. or so. They had liquor waiting so I showed some Manhattans what time it was. Hot Rod, Turbo, and Fat Nick came over and a good time was had by all. I entertained them with witticisms I'm sure.
Friday: woke up and the Ash-hole made a wonderful breakfast and Turbo and Hot Rod joined us. They've got a pretty good gig there. The Ash-holes and Hot Rod live across the courtyard in the same building and Turbo and Fat Nick live in the building next door. Anyways, then we went and played some bean bags, got burritos, and Turbo, The Ash-hole, and I went to The Bob Inn. Ash-hole became Grand Champion of the Bob Inn with a one-ball victory in pool to break the Golden Tee/pool series three way tie (it was that exciting). Then back to the Ash-hole's where he schooled me in HALO.
8pm. Party at Turbo and Fat Nick's. Now this makes me sad because it highlights the HUGE difference between our lives in Chicago and our lives here. Little things like people harassing me in the bathroom. My favorite part was there was a Bush advisor there. Not too interesting in itself unless you saw Turbo explaining to her that elements of this dance (created and performed by Turbo himself) will "Stop Al-Qaeda." and then attempted to teach her the dance to show GW. If that doesn't work we always can have Don do it.
Good times though. Saw The Evil Doctor, Big Dave, The Dean, Tem Brown, etc., etc., we established how much I hate Derrida, lit crit, and community psych at top volume (of course they were all well thought out debates) and I ended up with a beer spilled over my head (unrelated to these conversations). Good times indeed.
After about the 1000th whiskey and 10,000th cigarette I went to bed.
We got up late the next day and originally I planned on hanging out with the Evil Dr. but I was in no condition to be seen. We went over Turbo's for breakfast. Then Fat Nick had to ditch us for a his girlfriend's neice's one year old's b-day party. Classy.
Then we watched and deconstructed both Next of Kin and Roadhouse. Then we spent a large chunk of the day on the treatment of a sequel to Roadhouse. Right now we're calling it Roadhouse 2: Ruffer and Tuffer with the tagline"Bitches are gonna die!" and there's some vampire ninjas (or was it ninja vampires?) in it.
Then to Amy and Jeremy's new place at 5pm for a cookout. We hit the trifecta (cow, pig, and chicken) had some gin and learned all about cheese and sex.
Sunday was a little hazy but I seem to remember vodkas at some Irish place for brunch followed by doughnuts and The Incredibles. Then -scene missing-. Following that BBQ ribs and adult swim.
Monday we woke up, went to The Bob Inn for an eye opener and some Golden Tee and then we ate sweetbreads and steak at El Nandu. A plane ride later and we're home. My back is fucked up though because there was this gigundous fatbody that sat next to us and pushed Lady Head into me and I couldn't sit up the whole flight. And the flight was full so we couldn't even move.
OK that's about all I can remember right now in my half-dead state. Off to Starbuck's!
Depending on the version of WMP you have you may want to open the files with Quicktime.
100 Head Points to any non-Chicagoan that can guess which element of the trickybone dance will stop Al-Qaeda.
Do you really think it's wise to put your idea for Road House II: Bitches are Gonna die! right out where everyone can see? Someone is bound to steal that idea. Someone like me. Of course I'd change the ninjas to robots and make it more of a Westworld kinda thing. I wonder if MGM still has that Yul Brynner robot they used...
Robots? Robots? Now that's just ridiculous. It would never work.
You guys are terribly silly. It'd have to be a sort of Harry Potter think with Ron and Hermione. Maybe even Frodo.
That dance is fantastic. Your people are obviously well trained in anti-terrorist dance manouever. Its good to see there are experts even in the mid-west.
That would be a great guest post.
You can start with the cast.
Interesting that you should mention guest posts, Head. Seems that you and Turbo conspired against me to destroy my one shot at guest posting. I mean, I thought those dance clips were going to be mine, all mine, but noooo. You bastards.
And the hits just keep coming - what about my suggested alternate spelling of Ruff'r and Tuff'r?
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