Monday, July 18, 2005

Maybe work your way up to some goddamn bananas!

Happy Birthday HST (and RIP).

I can't fucking believe that just when I thought that the anti-marijuana commercials had died down a whole new batch is born. Now they are talking to the parents.

"Just because you smoked pot when you were young doesn't make you a hypocrite when you tell your children not to."
This commercial is a variation of what you could call the "Monte Carlo Fallacy" idea of drug use. That you were lucky enough to survive your youthful drug use but your kids are rolling the dice again and "due" to have problems.

And my new favorite anti-marijuana commercial is the "Todays pot is stronger than when you used to do it."
Who gives a fuck? It's marijuana. So you get higher off of less. It's not gonna kill you.
These people make it sound like heroin. It's weed people. Relax.


At 4:29 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

anti-pot commercials still make more sense than anti-tobacco ones. Weed was created by the Devil himself, after all.

At 6:20 PM, Blogger The Head said...

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