Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Fuck working. How the fuck can I stay home all day and watch the teevee?
Although it hasn't been good to me this past week.

Currently watching season 3 of 24. Man, what a letdown. Crap plot, McGuffin (sp?), Bauer-style ninja-ing, bad guys, CTU SWAT/Delta skills (that's normal though), etc. etc. etc.

They are fucking cancelling Arrested Development. Seriously, what kind of retards are in charge at Fox? Cancelled Family Guy, Futurama, Greg the Bunny, etc. and keep utter, utter crap.

Boondocks on Adult Swim is a nice surprise however. I anticipated hating this show and it's pretty good.

Movie-wise I've got a huge chubby for Walk the Line on Friday. Although we can't actually see it on Friday because we have a champagne tasting that night. 30 fucking champagnes. I'm gonna get llllloooooooaaaaaaaadddddeeeedddd. Cab home I'm sure.

I was perusing imdb.com and was checking out Sin City 2 which will be wonderful. Also I saw that they are making a sequel to Elizabeth called Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Blanchett may or may not be back as the virgin queen but, more importantly, Geoffrey Rush is back as Walsingham!!! And even better: Clive Owen as Raleigh (man-crush alert!).

In personal news, the Heads have joined to City Club and are living the high life, surrounded by people that can buy and sell us. At least they call me "Doctor." I feel lik e we are in Caddyshack.


At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are your awesomeness levels today?

At 11:05 AM, Blogger The Head said...

Fairly low. Low by my standards at least, which put me just one standard deviation above the general population in awesomicity.


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