Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Happy hump day everyone!

First off, Blade: Trinity comes out today. I'm going to go see a matinee. Gotta figure out how to get out of here early again. Gotta do it ninja-style.

Actually it may be a problem since I have to speak to groups of "gifted" undergrads about science ALL fucking afternoon. Seriously these things suck.
A bunch of annoying, overachieving grade grubbers. Always get the same stupid questions too. They always ask me why do systems neuroscience when molecular/ biochem can tell us everything we need to know? Yeah fuckhead, take your computer, smash it with a hammer, put all the pieces in a blender, puree, then take them all out, analyze them and tell me how photoshop works.

I'll probably have to go to the movie tonight. Like a sucker.
Wish me luck.


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