Monday, December 06, 2004

Weekend Recap

OK, don't miss The Head's Hangover Tips a little down the page.
This weekend was cool. Friday was the Canadians' Cops party. Lady Head and I went as Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife. Pictures forthcoming. They throw such good parties. What's good about them is everyone is piss drunk. No stuffiness. Even the old people are wasted.
We moved the dinner w/ the liquor store guy to this week. So Lady HEad called in sick to that other party and she cooked a wonderful meal. Goat cheese spinach salad, linguini with butternut squash and bacon, and these fantastic meatballs with ricootta cheese. She's a talented lady.
Then we wathce Audition. Wow. What. The. Fuck. Kind of a disturbing movie. The funny thing is I went on to see what other people thought of it and there was this one guy bitching that it was an unoriginal "cookie-cutter" movie that people watched so they could pretend they have strong stomachs. Guaranteed that guy is gonna die alone and unloved.
Then we (read: I, since Lady Head was en-beaujolais-ed and sleeping) watched Shiner. Not Michael Caine's best but still watchable. It did make me wish I had some thugs on payroll that drove me around and followed my orders to beat people up, tip over cars in traffic disputes, etc. I'm taking applications.
I'd like to see more of Frank Harper in movies (he was Stoney in this one and Dog in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels.
Sunday was typical. I still hate Tom Goes to the Mayor however. I tried, Turbo, and it SUUUUUUUCKS. Venture Brothers kicks serious ass.


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