Friday, February 11, 2005

I challenge you to a break off...

Just kidding. I swore I'd never use my wicked bad boogaloo powers ever again.

Couple of thoughts:
I ate what is probably the perfect white trash meal last night. 3 cheddarbrats on hot dog buns (although the mustard I had on them was grey poupon so that kind of fucked up the whole theme) and 2 cans of Big K root beer. I kick a lot of ass.

For Lent I decided to run every day until Easter. I hate running but hey, if you've seen my uncles you'd be worried too. And yes, I realize I just said this after talking about the glory of cheddarbrats. See, as much as I hate running, I hate not eating and drinking well more. SO my time honored tradition is to up the exercise when I start adding lbs. Plus my brothers are freaks when it comes to fitness (even the crackhead brother ran at my house each day at noon after drinking a bottle of wine, smoking 1/2 a pack of cigarettes and a bunch of weed) and I will not tolerate any more comparisons between me and Uncle Mike.

I've got 5 months of funding left. While we do have a grant submitted that I'd lead, and there's still the possibility of that program I mentioned before, I have to assume I'm in limbo come August. It's at that point that the decision will be made as to whether I continue trying to become a real, grownup scientist or drop out and become a sod farmer. The way I see it, I need to get 2-3 papers accepted between now and then so I can go get a high quality postdoc, hammer out a few papers there and then look for jobs. I have one ready to go here that's likely gonna get accepted right away. But it's boring shit. I have one from my thesis work that we are submitting to Nature, which is always a crapshoot, but if that gets in I'd be in a much better position for moving into the rest of my life. Just waiting on Deano to finish revising it. I figure one more decent paper from here and I'll be OK. So I have to figure shit out and bust ass now.

You may be wondering, "Head, we know it's Arbysday, but it's Friday during Lent. What the fuck are you gonna do?" Great question. Lady Head saw a commercial for their new fish sandwich and it looks palatable so we are trying that for lunch. Details to follow.


At 11:29 AM, Blogger Action Randall said...

Wait, I thought chedderbrats were healthy. Damn my German doctor and his delicious lies.

Oh, and by the way, watch who you challenge to a break off. I've got some up-rock that would make you crap your pants. Word.


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