Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Memorial Day

So the Evil Twin is cohabitating with us. He gets up at about 5:30 every morning and starts drinking coffee and chain-smoking. Then by the time we're up he's usually starting the drinks. Other than that he basically stays in one or two rooms of the house. He goes today to meet a guy for a bartending job and another guy looking for a roomate. Since he's dead-broke I'm not too worried about him getting drugs. Plus to pay his room and board we keep him pretty busy around the house painting, doing yardwork, etc.
Saturday we had a barbecue. Before hand the Evil Twin and I did some patio maintenance. Then I about had a heart attack digging some horseshoe pits.
1:30, the BBQ began. T-Bone and Erin, The Canadians, Our Boss and his gal, Madame Nonesuch, and John and Mackenzie (our realtor and wife) came with their 6 month old son. A good time was had by all. I kept making pitchers of Tom Collinses and margaritas for everyone. The Tom Collins has got to be the best god-damn summer drink of all time. After that I switched to Jack-and-gingers. Typically I'm not a big garnish guy but thelime really makes this drink. John went one-for-one with me when I switched drinks. He, his wife, and their baby actually closed the party down long after everyone else left. (Mac wasn't drinking so don't worry about the baby). Kudos!
Lady Head vomitously bowed out early.
Then next day I was feeking pretty good considering the amount of booze and number of cigarettes I smoked. After fielding some calls and assuaging other's hangover guilt I played some poker. It was awesome. I was playing 2/4 and this one guy had about $80. He got sucked out on when he had AA by some idiot and he about freaked. Then he bought back in for $500 (I usually buy in for $100) and started raising every pot. I mean every one. It was a lot of fun (and lucrative). Basically everyone took turns taking his money.
Then I washed my car. And was about to wash Lady Head's when Mac called and wanted to go out for pizza. So they came over and just before we left the Owls showed up out of the blue for the party (that was yesterday). We had to cancel pizza and we had a few glasses of wine on the patio (which kicked in my hangover somehow). Then I washed Lady Head's car and we just sat down to watch TV and the power went out for 3 hours or so.
Blah blah blah.
Today I'm back at work and actually working.
Talk to you clowns later.


At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

head, i don't think i've ever heard of you doing so much work in one week, let alone a day! i'm totally impressed! are you feeling okay? all that yard work can't be good on the old ticker. you better settle down and get some rest - you have a refrigerator full of food to consume.



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