Friday, May 27, 2005

Richard Thompson

was friggin' awesome. As expected.
However, the non-Richard Thompson parts of the show were odd. First off was the aggressiveness. People arguing over seats, etc. Some guy came over from a section in the front to yell at this guy to "quit with that fucking light or I'll shove it up your ass" (the guy had one of those blue penlights and I guess used it during the opener). I can't figure out why the guy was so pissed because he actually would of had to turn around to see it. I mean this wasn't a Pantera concert for Christ's sake.
You can imagine the crowd. The only people near my age were fat (OK, obvious joke here). THe overwhelming majority of other people were I'd say late 40's to 50's. The guys were split between your typical ex-hippie type reliving his youth (when he fought the man) for these two hours before he goes home, and the guys who thinks they've got their own personal style because they're wearing a panama hat (OK, OK Richard Thompson's got that shitty hat but he's Richard Thompson - he can get away with it). Then there were the women. Again, your aging hippies and the wine/fine dining set. Basically people who think they're really laid back and cool but in all reality are Type A assholes. People who argue with the waitstaff and say things like "Do you know who I am." when they're something like a financial planner or music exec.
You get the idea.
Couple of pointers for these people.
1) Learn when to go "Woo!". End of a song, when he's rolling up into an impressive instrumental portion of a song, or when he/she has finished a solo in the song. NOT anytime during a song just because you're on your third microbrew and it's just SO FUCKING GROOVY to be out of the house seeing a show, and the kids are gone, etc.
2) Learn when it's appropriate to clap. OK, some artists have signature songs. Sometimes it's perfectly acceptable to give a little love at the beginning of a song once it's recognizable. It is not appropriate to do this for every song. Especially when he announces what song he's about to play, then he starts, then you start clapping. People were even doing this for his new songs THAT AREN"T FUCKING OUT YET!
3) If you're going to tap your foot or slap your thigh (no kidding) to the music A) make sure you have the right beat, and B) DON'T DO IT SO FUCKING LOUD!
4) Soap. Love it. Don't just stand under the water. Use soap. That's what gets you clean.

OK, that's probably it for now.

A coded message for the Evil Doctor: G-A-L-U-G


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