John Carpenter, eat your heart out.

I just watched the remake of Assault on Precinct 13 and it's probably the greatest movie ever made.
I mean, richly drawn characters, suspense, action, a twisting plotline; it had it all.
I love how they took your "standard action movie" and "turned it upside down." I was suprised by how it wasn't what I expected.
It was amazing. Ethan Hawke is the best actor ever and should get an academy award.
Lawrence Fishburne was super scary as the villian (or the hero?? who knows? This is the kind of awesome mindfuck that the movie uses to rivet you to your seat).
And Ja Rule is in it too. He's so fantasic. He keeps it real. Brings some "street" to the picture.
I should just kill myself now because nothing else in life will top this experience of watching The. Perfect. Movie.
I was so entranced by the movie that I wouldn't get up to pee. I couldn't imagine being away from it for that long, pause button or no. So I pissed in my martini glass. Some spilled, but I blamed it on the dog.
Really though, breathtaking cinema. And there was also these sweet bonus features that took you "behind the scenes" to talk with the artistes that realized this masterpiece. Both the screenwriter AND the director. True Craftsmen. It was awe inspiring.
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