High rolling again.

Had the 2nd best weekend, moneywise, in poker. Just absolutely dominated.
Drank quite a bit. At the party everyone did want American Beauties but they were hit or miss due to the ridiculous strength of the rose syrup. So I invented a new drink. The Joan Collins (props to Lady Head and Fiona for the name). It's a modified Tom Collins. Gin or vodka, cointreau (or simple syrup), lemon juice, and marischino syrup. Pretty potent but, unfortunately for some, it doesn't taste potent. Faks you up good.
Lady Head's birthday (28) is tomorrow. Yeah, she got a car for her birthday. You know how we do.
I'm withdrawing my application from that fellowship. Turns out it's a pretty big clusterfuck. They said they were interested in me but none of the three preceptors I picked were available soI had to choose other ones. I said "Huh, that's strange. Who is available? And they said they weren't sure, I'd have to contact blah blah blah." Soooo, fuck them.
My boss is picking me up for another year. I need to get going on some shit though. We're going into the field next month so I can get started on the scaling project.
Lady Head, Deano, and I submitted a manuscript to Nature. Wish us luck.
Talk to you later.
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