What's the rumpus?

So tonight we are going to Mrs. Canadian's and Lady Head's birthday party.
Since it's at the Canadians' it a theme party (see previous White Trash party). The theme is Roaring 20's/ Depression era 30's (since Lady Head is still in her 20s and Mrs Canadian is turning 30 - get it?). I'm bartending and am only making drinks from the era (excepting American Beauties which are the birthday girls' choice. Although I might has well made it an American Beauty party b/c once anyone sees one of those everyone's gonna want one. I bet I go through 3 roses). These parties are hilarious because they're basically hard liquor affairs because that's what is supplied. If anyone wants beer they have to bring it. And rarely does anyone bring anything so they're stuck drinking what I'm making them.
So basically you have a shitload of people that barely ever go out for a single beer drinking martinis and shit. They get fakking LLLLLOOOOOOOAAAAAAADEEEED. Usually after the 2nd hour or so there are chinese postdocs hanging from chandeliers and someone's naked. Scientists are total lightweights.
And my boss usually tries to put me into some kind of wristlock or chokehold and I stuff him into a closet.
Details to follow.
Head, what is an American Beauty?
It's kind of like a cosmo but has essence or rose/ rose syrup in it.
2-3 oz vodka
1 oz cranberry juice
2 tsp. rose syrup
2 tsp. lime juice
Shake, strain into a martini glass, and float a rose petal in it.
Should read "essence of rose"
WOW! Lighten up on the rose syrup. A little goes a looooong way.
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