Friday, August 19, 2005

More random crap

Sweet Baby Jesus, does Camille Paglia irritate me. Here's her latest narcissistic shitburger. Pretty long though. Via Tightly Wound.
I've always been amazed at shit like her stance that she never did any drugs but she has had the same experience because of her life and thoughts back then, how back then everyone at college sat around all day and night discussing and discovering the big, important truths out there - as opposed to today where it's all keg stands and date rape.
And I love the fact that she "wrote the book." Listing your favorite poems and why they're your favorites is not writing a book you self-important cunt.
And how is the fact that she was first shown "Mexican Guitar" by "a gay friend that died of AIDS" should be relevant as to why it should be there. Wow, O'Hara was gay and my friend was gay, so there. I could see if O'Hara died of disease or something but for Christ's sake he got run over by a friggin' dune buggy.
And, wow, you know who the Jane he's referring to is. Good for you!
And WTF is "Mexican Guitar" in there for? Christ, Frank O'Hara had a monstrous library of work, was an essential component to an entire school of poetry, and stupid Paglia puts one of his peoms that barely anyone has heard of and is open to interpretation.
Also, here's a quote of Frank's:
"Nobody should experience anything they don't need to, if they don't need poetry, bully for them."
Eat it Camille.
She also spent four years on this "book" of 43 poems and her stupid commentary.
And she "prophesied" that a newspaper would do a story on Vatican architecture after the pope died. Yep "prophesied."
She's all knowing.
And she compares herself to Andy Warhol.

Although I do agree with her anti-theory stuff and anti-shock art stance and some of her views on the left-right shit. In fact I agreed with her a lot in the second half of the article.
But she manages to fuck it up at the end with shit like:
'So people say, “What about the tsunami?” I say, “Just read Sexual Personae.” My people, one side of my family, lived near Vesuvius. So we have the same sense that the volcano could erupt any moment. Am I an optimist? I am a catastrophist.'

Still she does make some good points. Too bad she's such a self-centered, intellectually snobby hag or I might like her.

Moving on. What do you do when you finish playing cards at 1am and have to work out at 7:30? If you said have multiple brandies while watching King of the Hill and Batman, you're right.

Also - and this should be the subject of a longer post but I'm getting sick of typing - I'm not lazy and you're not lazy. We just have different priorities. I think that's a lot more profound than you think it is. Seriously, think about it.

Which reminds me, I heard a radio commercial for "Shot" (or maybe "Shock"?)coffee. It was ridiculous. Anyone else hear it? It's all "extreme" and mainly made up of dudes going "This babe is so into me! Give me another Shot mocha!" Yeah chicks love spazes with bad breath and yellow teeth. Their tagline is "Sleep is overrated." No, it's not.

The best part of Arthur is Hobson.

OK, more later.


At 12:13 PM, Blogger The Head said...

No I already have the Ph.D. So it's Dr. head to you.
And I'm awesome at faking.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Because of peer pressure.

I'm the king chucklehead!

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your rant on Camille Paglia is a bit limp wristed but okay. Personally I'd like to punch her in the head for giving feminists a bad name, but we're not currently on speaking terms so it's hard to get close enough to do it.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger The Head said...

Bella, what the hell does "limp wristed but OK" mean?
Are you suggesting that I'm soft on Paglia?

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm saying there wasn't enough shooting and car chases in your post. Yes :D


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