So fucking hot

Hot today. Hot yesterday. Probably be hot tomorrow.
So Lady Head hates it when it's hot out (like really hot, around 3 digits and humid) and people are running. I'm fine with that, working out is supposed to suck. What I can't stand is when people are eating outside. IT'S TOO FUCKING HOT OUT YOU ASSHOLES!
Seriously, there are some people that will eat outside anytime they can. Ever go out with them? "Let's sit on the patio (or 'terrace' if they're real assholes)."
Christ, are you fucking kidding me? I'm flirting with heatstroke here. Let's get into the air-conditioning right fucking now. God, are you a douchebag. Unlike running, you're supposed to actually enjoy eating.
And don't give me that shit about "Some people like the heat." Have you ever looked at them? Sweating buckets, panting, and they barely touch their meal.
I feel bad for the poor waiters too. Running around so leatherface can dine in the fresh air.
I used to think this was strictly a northern quirk since, due to winter, there's only a portion of the year where you're able to eat outside so, come summer, you want to cram as much picnic into the year as you can. But no, even down here in the confederacy where summer reigns from roughly March to November these same idiots still abound. I'd have thought they would have had more sense than that. But look who I'm talking about.
In other news I've discovered (rediscovered?) the joys of cream soda. Jones Cream Soda to be exact. Have I been missing this all my life or have my tastes changed over the years.
Also, Hell's Kitchen looks like the worst show ever put on the air. I've never seen it, so it may be the best show ever put on the air but I doubt it. Who the fuck watches this crap? Who wants to see some asshole yelling at people who are sucking the proverbial dick to get 15 minutes of fame or some money or some shitty contract. Who greenlights this shit? Who looks at it and goes "That's a hit!"?
I can't believe programming has gotten so bad I'm criticizing it.
Et tu TV?
That show does look horrible, but do you want to know what show was AWESOME? Remaking Vince Neil. I watched it this weekend, and all I can say is that it was truly captivating...and a little sad...just the way I like 'em!
So you liked "Remaking Vince Neil" but didn't like "Being Bobby Brown"?
Are you racist?
P.S. I think you're the only one that reads my blog anymore.
it's all in the presentation and the message, head. being bobby brown shows how tacky and obnoxious he and his family are, while remaking vince neil shows an out of shape aging rocker trying to reclaim his youth, it's pure genius. the message of bbb is that if your rich enough you can behave however you like with no consequences, while the message of rvn is that if you work hard enough (and obviously if you have enough money) you can accomplish great things: reclaiming health, changing your lifestyle, and feeling better than you have in years. for the viewer it comes down to either being totally irritated by the behavior on the program you're watching or impressed by the bad boy trying to maintain his rough image, while cleaning up his act.
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