Monday, December 19, 2005

Asshole Part Deux

Wow. I just emailed the Evil Doctor this article commenting that I can't believe someone is such a pompus asshole when I recognized the name and found that I posted this article by the same jerk-off in my blog before here.

For the lazy, the old article was the "Walk-man is ruining music and our society even though I once listened to Mahler's Ressurection Symphony on a vertical Alpine train as a thunderstorm crashed all around and I was moved to tears and masturbated furiously."

God, this guy is a douchebag.


At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, well I guess I might as well hang myself from the rafters. If Mozart's contribution to the world is so puny as to deserve our scorn, than I might as well give up and let myself die now. If that guy had his head any further up his ass he'd be George Bush.

At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The day the Walkman landed was the day the music began to die."

Oh, well that explains it.


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