Monday, December 05, 2005

Weekend Update

Well I lost the bet with The Canadian. I lost 2.5 inches to his 3.25. Man, if only I exercised in the past month. Weird considering that I was doing good until the bet, then I basically didn't work out again. Well, the problem was that it's the holiday season which, in the House of Head, means near constant eating, drinking, and being merry.
Friday was a 3-way birthday party. The Canadian, Erin, and Cal (John and Mac's 1 year old). So how do you entertain a 1yo? Well, based on my observations of everyone there, you entertain a 1yo by getting drunk and saying stupid things to me. In all actuality the party was a lot of fun. Good crowd, good food, good booze, etc.
Then we watched Project Grizzly. It's about this nutjob up in Canada that had some experience with grizzly bear some years ago and decided to make an indestructable suit so he can confront the bear. Guy's a total tool.

**************minor spoiler alert************************

And the worst part is he never even fought a bear! Near the end he's in the suit, there's a bear over the next ridge but he decides he can't walk that well over the rough terrain so that's that.

Saturday we had to come into work to run an assay. -blech- So we slept in and then dropped some money off at Mac and John's that we owed them. While there we decided that we should do dinner that night. Since it was short notice for a babysitter I made the executive decision that it would be a Whopper night. (I had decided as soon as the waist bet was over I was mowing me some fucking whoppers). But Lady Head and John decided they wanted some McDonald's so, after work and poker, I went to both places. Then we played Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture Edition (we lost to them AGAIN! 6 pie to 6 though.) and then watched Guerilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst - which I recommend highly.

Sunday was our typical Sunday. Cooking, drinking, smoking, gambling, excellent cartoons.

Today we found out that our assay finally worked (4th time's a charm I guess) which is the last thing the reviewers needed for this manuscript. I also discovered when you're lab is grant rich, you can pay others to do your work for you (thank you Electron Microscope Core!)

Tonight is the last in the "Around the World in 80 Wines" series. 13 weeks. It's been quite a journey. We are trying to get them convinced to start one up again after the new year. I mean, what the fuck are we supposed to do on Mondays now?


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