Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Happy Head Day, jerks.

I serioulsy doubt ANYONE is celebrating Head Day besides me. Jerks.
Kane Mutiny you should know to check here for improvised holidays. And start signing Kane Mutiny instead of MCK. That way we won't confuse anyone. Continuity, people.
Maybe Turbo.
Anyway, there's nothing better than skipping work on a rainy Tuesday. I'm currently enjoying a glass o' wine or 3 (Peace - see previous posts.) for Head Day.

Some news.
The Head is really sore from lifting and running. Now, normally The Head is mostly a weightlifter but The Head's weight is moving in the wrong direction so he's running now with Lady Head.
St. Jude is making me take down his fanpage, so it's gone.

So far today I watched Biker Boyz (Yeah, it sucked ass, but both Kid Rock AND Lisa Bonet were in it - the combination was intriguing, even though they both suck, Bawitibaa).
Next I'm gonna watch a bootleg of Hero and A Better Tomorrow (Netflix).
The Ash-hole has an excellent post all prospective grad students should read. Grad school is one situation like this after another.

Now that we have people reading this that have not actually been in a bar with me I will occassionally update you on what makes The Head tick. And plus Team Brown inspired this comment.
Kurt Russell is The Man. He can do it all. Laconic badass (Soldier, Escape From New York, Tombstone,), zany comedian (Overboard, Captain Ron), or can combine tough guy and flake (Big Trouble in Little China, Tango and Cash).
Who else can do this? No one. You never thought of Kurt as the defining actor of our time did you? Look at those movies. On a hungover Sunday you can't do much better flipping around than landing on BTILC.

On a sad note, there was this billboard for Country Club vodka (Never had it and probably never will) on my drive home from work. It had a huge martini glass next to a huge clock permanently set to 5:00. The caption was "It's 5 o'clock Somewhere." (and yes "Somewhere" was capitalized.
I gathered more inspiration and good cheer from that billboard than you couold know. It was there in good times and bad. Now it's gone, replaced with a CC vodka sign showing the bottle next to a lemon, lime, and olive. The new caption is "Plays well with others". Lame. PUT IT BACK!
I was just gonna take pictures too.


At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Head, you know I support your inane, made up holidays. But seriously, this one probably takes the cake. You're celebrating yourself, and everything you stand for. Well, I suppose there COULD be worst things/people to celebrate. At least this isn't Ivan The Terrible Day, or Hitler Day. But seriously, I think most people aren't celebrating it for fear that you're already large head will become even more inflated, and you will get it stuck in a doorway. They're doing it for your safety really. Oh yeah, its my buddy's birthday today also, so I have 2 things to celebrate.


At 1:12 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Turbo, I keel you. The Head serves the people. Even though The Head has corporeal form (not corpulent form -like Cheddarback - ZING!), you have to realize that essence of The Head is an ideal, something to aspire to. Sure he may have his flaws but The Head's intentions are pure. On Head Day, we are not celebrating the good looking, brilliant, physical Head that lives in Nashville, but instead something different. Something abstract. Something beautiful. We are celebrating The Head that's in all of us. Trying to be all The Head we can be.
The Head is in each one of us people. It's all the potential in each one of us.
But you can't hold a whole Head responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted Heads. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole Head system? And if the whole Head system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our Head institutions in general? I put it to you, Turbo - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to The Head, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!

At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Head, you're entire argument is based on a false assumption - there is a little Head in all of us. There isn't any Head in me - I'm 100% Turbo. Maybe this day should be the celebrate yourself day? I'm down with that. But I'm also down with celebrating you and your wonderfulness. But, never ever end on an Animal House reference ever again.


At 6:44 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

Things i will take from this post and the comments elicited by it:

"there is a little Head in all of us"

"be all the head you can be"

Ah, if only i could still drink . . i mean, i can but i'd like to be able to do it without destroying objects or people-- alas -- i'm with you in spirit.


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