Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I love coffee

Where would science be without coffee? Where would I be without coffee?
See, today Lady Head made me get up and take her to class. It was the perfect day to sleep in too. Needless to say I'm 1/2 dead. Woke up surly as fuck and am still pretty irritable. Ready to fall asleep at my desk. WTF? I'm not some time clock punching wang, I'm revealing the secrets to the universe! Why am I here? No, not it a philosophical sense. I mean why am I here with insuffficient sleep? The big brain needs recharging. Don't you people want to know the secrets of the universe? Well, as long as I'm sleep deprived you can keep on fucking wanting. I'm not gonna discover shit today. I'm just gonna sit here drinking coffee until noon. Then - mouth watering Dagwood. Then leave at 5, work out, play poker, drink, play GTA, watch The 39 Steps, watch Adult Swim, and then to bed.
One good point is since I got here early today I could make the first pot of coffee. Normally if I'm not the first one in Topiary Girl is and she makes coffee. Chocolate rasberry coffee. Now, I'm trying not to channel Denis Leary but seriously, chocolate rasberry coffee. First thing in the morning. Ugh.
What else? I recently switched pizzas. I was always a Tombstone man but recently was exposed to Freschetta. Wow, I was a sucker. It's greasy and delicious. Perfect for soaking up the hooch.
Rip it.


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