Thursday, January 13, 2005

Hey tubby...

Maybe if you walked up that one flight of stairs instead of taking the elevator your ass wouldn't be so fat.

Also, BK boycott has now expanded to a vigorous one man letter writing campaign. Not only did they bring back those horrible office bullying commercials but now they have Omarosa (sp?) in them. Now I don't watch The Apprentice but hate people who think them being an asshole is a virtue. You know the type. They're not really assholes, just "assertive", full of "strong character", "aren't a doormat", etc.
Nope, you're an asshole. Berating the waiter, postman, poor schlub on the phone, underlings, etc. And they're fucking proud of it! I know people who come up to me and tell me how they told off so-and-so and sit there with a smirk waiting for me to compliment them on not taking shit from nobody. While the whole time I'm thinking that they're really terrible people. Christ people, what happen to being polite? Courtesy? etc.
Just try not to be an asshole.
I just realized how I started this post by calling someone a fatass. That's different. It just is.

Beyond that, I'm back at work. Rolled in at noon. I'm awesome.


At 5:06 PM, Blogger The Head said...

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At 5:38 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Yeah right chomacheg. The only reason you don't eat BK three meals a day is that Subway's closer.


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