Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ig'nant Hicks

One of the nice things about science is it's fairly colorblind, gender-blind (despite recent arguments in the media), nationality-blind, etc.
Apparently not for these assholes.
I mean you're gonna pass up Tongwon because he can't pronounce "L"? Go fuck yourself, he's a kickass scientist.
And students? Please. Getting lazier and lazier. I remember lecturing and we always put the powerpoint online so they could download it. One student came up to me and said "Where online is what you're saying?" I said the address we gave at the beginning of class. He said "No, what you're saying." I said the powerpoint is on that address, he said "No, what you're saying."
Figure it out yet? He wanted a transcription of the words that were actually coming out of my fucking mouth. You know, the shit you're supposed to TAKE FUCKING NOTES ON!
Lazy fucker.
Also, one day I was guest lecturing and had problems with my presentation. No problem I'll just do it on the board. You know, the way it's been done for most of ever. Some ass actually complained to the instructor that because of that they didn't have anything online it was unfair to him because he missed class (!) and I should provide him with notes (fuck you).

Best line of the article. From a student: "There were days when I would go home and have to study the material that they had taught..." I know I'm kinda taking it out of context but it's still hilarious.

So that whole "for the students" thing means shit to me. Sure I had instructors that were difficult to understand. Guess what, if you try and spend a fraction of the time trying to understand them in class rather than sleeping, gossiping with friends, complaining about the instructor, or listening to your iPod (I had a student on a walkman once) you might be able to do it.

Found via Tightly Wound.

I feel a little like the Evil Doctor now. "These dim-bulbs. Back in my day we had to use a slide rule..."


At 7:47 AM, Blogger PomHeart said...

don't know if you all have already seen this. but speaking of college, i thought i'd find this and share...

how to kill a mockingbird...

At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the obnoxious students... There were two chicks in one of my seminars this term who kept up a conversation and seemed to be doing homework for other classes... ALL TERM! I don't get it. The prof is fairly new and I think suffers from nice-guy-itis because he never told those bitchez to stfu.

I had to take an english comprehension test to get INTO university, and I've had profs who couldn't possibly have passed that exam. Just sayin'.

Wendykat, That was hilarious! I wonder how long it will be before some highschool student plagiarizes that for an essay. Now *that* would be funny.

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, but wait a second, I'm not a scientist, but even *I* know that this isn't good science:

"In 2000 Mr. Borjas, who is a Cuban immigrant, published a study of students enrolled in a two-term principles-of-economics course at a large, top-ranked public university. By focusing on the students who had one term of a discussion section taught by an American teaching assistant and the other term taught by a foreign-born teaching assistant, he was able to study the effects of exposure to the different types of teachers while controlling for differences among students.

On balance, he found that undergraduates' final grades slid by 0.2 points (on a four-point scale) when they had a foreign-born instructor"

Not when they had "a" foreign born instructor... when they had *that* foreign born instructor. Sheesh.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger The Head said...

Yeah, one point is that lazy students will abuse this. Anyone who ever had teaching evaluations on them can attest to this. They will take any excuse.
I guess the main problem I have with this is that it's LEGISATION! It would force the school to let the student drop classes and/or get a refund.
And it may end up with not the university deciding who teaches (I agree that shitty teachers should get canned, not just the uniterpretable ones)but the government. Shit the govt. already hates universities. Can you imagine if they get more power to dictate policy?

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

s it wrong for me to want to dissect and point out every grammar and spelling error in these posts berating people for not speaking English well?

As college teachers, can we pass some type of legislation of our own? I have spent countless hours trying to decipher the drivel that students spew onto a page, interpret it, give constructive feedback so they not only know why they received the grade but can improve their writing, and grade it fairly. And I am referring to English-as-a-first-language students. I'll be fine with this when I get the same opportunity. Can I fail students and kick them out of class, and then force them to do chores and errands for me as payback for my time lost attempting to teach them?

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it wrong for me to want to dissect and point out every grammar and spelling error in these posts berating people for not speaking English well?

As college teachers, can we pass some type of legislation of our own? I have spent countless hours trying to decipher the drivel that students spew onto a page, interpret it, give constructive feedback so they not only know why they received the grade but can improve their writing, and grade it fairly. And I am referring to English-as-a-first-language students. I'll be fine with this when I get the same opportunity. Can I fail students and kick them out of class, and then force them to do chores and errands for me as payback for my time lost attempting to teach them?


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