Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Saw Isabella's recent post and thought I'd share a lesson.
I was in Chicago, standing on the el platform (an OUTSIDE platform) waiting for a train and smoking a cigarette. Some voice behind me says "Hey, no smoking." I turn and say "Fu... Oh I'm sorry officer, I'm not from here." (I was).
Krupke: "Didn't you see the sign?"
Me: "No."(I was standing next to one)
Kruptky "ID please."
Me: "OK" (Internally I was worried because I was stoned. But relieved because right before the cigarette I was smoking a bowl. Glad he wasn't there 3 minutes earlier.)
Krupke: "OK I'm gonna write you up." (obviously did not notice that I was "from here" when he saw my ID)
Me: "What do I have to do with this?"
Krupke: "Nothing really. If it goes to court you have to pay $25 most likely."

Cue to a month or so later. I get a letter saying that I missed my court date and now owe $500.


After a few calls I went to court. Had a meeting with the prosecutor in an antechamber and she looked at my paperwork for about 3 seconds and said "$50". I said I was amenable to that and I took the train home.

To conclude. Even though I got it reduced it was still a $50 cigarette. $53 if you count the train rides to and from the courthouse.

Moral: Don't smoke on train platforms.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Action Randall said...

I had a similar experience. The story is pretty much the same, but I’ll add another moral:
Don’t push people in front of trains.

At 11:31 AM, Blogger The Head said...

I disagree. Some people deserve to be pushed.
You can always use the Texas Murder Defense:
"He needed killin'."

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Action Randall said...

No man! I was the one who was pushed. And it was in Texas, so the guy walked.

At 12:33 PM, Blogger The Head said...

You needed killin'?

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

good, now i don't feel like such a pansy for not smoking.


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