Friday, March 11, 2005

Hesh wants poppers!

Congratulations to Sealab 2021 for coming out of it's slump with Casinko. One of the few truly quality episodes since Harry Goz died.

Also, Robot Chicken is friggin' awesome.
Adult swim needs to work on their scheduling though.

Moving on. People are stupid. I mean real fucking idiots. Everywhere. I'm reminded of The Onion article "People at Blockbuster Saying Incredibly Stupid Things", or something like that.
Everywhere I go, just morons. At the gym, at coffeeshops, at bars, when we go out to eat, EVERYWHERE!
Just because it was in a magazine doesn't mean it's true. Just because it was on the teevee doesn't mean it's true. Just because you read it in a shitty NYT bestseller doesn't mean it's true. And, of course, just because you heard it on that fucking shitbox NPR does not mean it's true.
Yeah I'm all impressed that you read "smart" books. You know what? You're an idiot. You know what else? That author is an idiot too. You know who writes books on science shit? People who either A) Suck at actually doing the things that expand the knowledge of that field, or B) Used to be good or promising at expanding knowledge in the field but somewhere along the way got lost and now is disconnected from the field and writes shitty books for slow-witted assholes like you.

I like Jared Diamond though.

On an unrelated note, I'm reminded of one of my favorite Family Guy exchanges:

Peter - "Hold on guys, I think I read a book on this once."
Brian - "Are you sure it was a book? Are you sure it wasn't... nothing?"
Peter - "Oh, yeah."

Note the addition of Big Botched Blog on the peeps list. Go visit. I think he's on to something.

Edit: I completely forgot to give my awesomeness rating today.
My Awesomeness Rating is: Alan Ford.


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