Thursday, March 03, 2005


Not much to report.

Finished GTA.

Winning at poker. Of course I just cash out money and give it to Lady Head.
Last night made a final table in a 7-card stud tourney. Was 3rd in chips. Then there was a disconnect between my brain and mouse-clicking finger. My brain kept saying "fold" but my MCF kept pressing "call." Out in 7th. Got some cash though. I think I like 7CS better than hold 'em.

Ummm, worried about my drinking. Actually my lack of drinking. While frequency is up (due to the wine tastings), total volume is down. I actually have one whiskey nights. What am I? A moderator? Fak no. Needs to get my drink on, STAT! Motivating thoughts appreciated.

Well, Deadwood starts Sunday, Carnivale is sweet, The Shield starts soon. I have a reason to continue.

Oooh! I almost forgot. Martha gets out of jail tomorrow. We are having a party. I recorded a shitload of "Living" and we are gonna watch them all and drink. I haven't thought of a good theme drink for the party. Suggestions appreciated.


At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you need help with your drinking, here's a tip:

I have a group of friends who get together regularly to watch Deadwood (every week when its on to be exact.) We invented a game called "cocksuckers and cunts"

You have to take a drink every time one of those two words is said.

Did you watch last season? The one where the old Chinese man with the pigs had his opium shipment stollen? The one where every second words for ten minutes was cocksucker? I almost think they did that on purpose because they heard about our game and wanted to knock us on our collective asses.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger The Head said...

See, the event drinking is humming along fine. It's the by-myself-on-a-tuesday drinking that I need to get back to.

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you just need better booze.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Obviously you're new here.
I only drink the good stuff.
...OK, I primarily drink the good stuff.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Action Randall said...

I gotta tell ya, I just finished watching the first season of Deadwood. I don't have cable (sorry Head) so I bought it on DVD, and I'm glad I did.
I think it's incredible. Watching it, I look forward to every line of dialog. If Shakespeare had lived in the Black Hills and swore; it would sound like Deadwood.
Now I have to wait like 4 months for the next season to come out.

Oh, and may I suggest Sake-Bombs for your jailbreak party.


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