Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Martha and Deadwood

Oh yeah. For various reasons, the Martha party ended up getting moved to someone else's house. We went over and brought some wine (our default Martha drink) since you all suck. We drank some toasts to Martha and then watched an awful movie: Bram Stoker's Way of the Vampire. It was ridiculously bad but our host's sister is a production-something in Hollywood and she worked on (and had a small role in) this movie so she sent it to her. It was bad. Really fucking bad. The best part was the "Making of" and behind the scenes parts. The director and main actors really consider themselves serious craftsmen. The whole budget was 70K which is a lot of money for me, but for a movie - um, no. Went home, had more intoxicants. All in all, a poorer Martha celebration than I was planning. I had 8 "Living" episodes on the DVR and was gonna decorate and make theme drinks but sometimes politics must trump plans.

Saturday was Headstock. Kind of fuzzy what happened. I remember watching The Stupids however.

Sunday was Deadwood. Fucking wicked awesome episode. The Canadians came over. Right before they arrived I had 4 King Dons (AKA Ding Dongs) so I wasn't feeling too well. So I decided to drink. They are in training for whiskey drinking. After 3 or 4 Jack rocks I said "Hey [Head], WTF are you doing? It's fucking Deadwood." So I started doing shots of Wild Turkey (because it's the harshest stuff I have - therefore giving a more authentic old west feel. I always think the whiskey there must have sucked ass). Lady Head was brutalizing a bottle of Tullamore Dew (her new relaxant - see her blog). By the time Carnivale came on I was especially witty and charming. The Canadians left and we were on our own.

Somehow it's Weds. now. What's going on?

We made our arrangements for Cocktails in the Country. Instead of flying into Manhattan and spending the night we are flying directy into Stewart for 2 extra days there. It's gonna rawk hawd.

Sorry Bella, not as exciting as originally promised.


At 3:36 PM, Blogger Action Randall said...

Yeah, the whiskey must have been awful, but don't cowboys always make it look like it was the most delicious thing in the world.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Canadian Mist"? :gag: :hurl:

Yes Deadwood was fantastic. I love Loved LOVED the moment when Calamity Jane lifted her woozy head off her horse and shouted "cocksucker" at the wagon that was passing, and then collapsed again.

I was drinking Makers Mark.


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