Yay Lady Head!
She takes excellent care of me. Because, let's face it, I'd be dead or in prison otherwise. Or at least living in squalor.
Weds. night is poker night as you know. I usually leave work at 5:30 or so. Then I go home and maybe eat something, maybe play with the mammals, maybe play a few tables online to warm up. Anyway I leave for poker at 7:15. If I'm doing well I get home between 12:30 and 2. Usually I'm ravenous but too tired to do anything about it.
So this past Weds. I get home about 12:45. I'm 1/2 in the bag and ravenous. But i'm also 1/2 in the bag and tired as fuck so I'm just gonna shower and get into bed. I crawl in and Lady Head wakes up and asks if I'm hungry. I say I am and she says go look on the dining room table. Muthafuckin' Hardee's. Just waiting there. She's a friggin' saint. She doesn't even like Hardee's.
Also, yesterday was hilarious. the one time I don't get to the lecture hall early to make sure everything's OK the damn computers won't read my powerpoint file. Class starts at 1:10 and it's 1:08. So I start running around trying to find a phone. Finally I call Lady Head and ask her to run me over another copy. Run me over another copy across campus. So I got back to my room at just after 1:20. Said fuck it I'll just lecture on the board. So at 1:35, just as I was about to enter my first data figure (I had no idea how to do this on the board) Lady Head bursts in to save the day. She ran acroos campus in heels.
So brava Lady Head. Brava.
Hoist one tonight in honor of Lady Head keeping me safe and relatively clean.
Why dont you post the things that really matter about me? Like how i was drinking a double-deuce + 2 (yes folks, they are bottling 24-ounces "to freedom" these days) of Corona that i had dyed green last night in honor of St. Patties Day. And i was double-fisting it with Tullamore. The Tullamore wasnt dyed green. I felt the green bottle of Corona was enough. And that's why i am so cool.
That's love, man. You are a lucky dude.
I need a Lady Head. In xy. Of course, the way things are going, i'm becoming flexible.
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