Palmer '08!

Sorry I've been neglecting the blog. I was on my last ever mole collecting trip! For those of you that haven't heard me bitch about these, it's basically a week tramping through the wetlands and it's either too cold or too hot, and you never get enough sleep or enough food.
Plus you're dirty the whole time.
Just sucks.
Well, in other news, it's about time I threw my weight behind a candidate for President. Is it early? No, you can't start out too early on these things.
So without further ado, Dennis Haysbert for president! Seriously, I'd vote for his voice alone. Hell, now that 24 is in syndication probably 1/2 the world would already think he was an awesome president.
He'll solve all this shit going on now in a heartbeat.
Turbo, I'm looking to you to aid in this quest. Can Mr. Haysbert and I count on your support?
P.S. Fuck you Jobu.
But David Palmer got assassinated on 24. Don't you think it would be weird then? People would be confused. He would always have a little worry in the back of his mind.
I bet he could get the presidential limo fleet a good deal on car insurance though.
But, as far as Presidential Voices go, I'm sticking with Gilbert Gottfried.
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