
If he ate, and he ate well; if he drank, and he drank heartily; if he slept, and he slept sound; if he did other things, and he did other things regularly, it was not from need of food, or drink, or sleep, or other things, no, but from the need never to need, never never to need, food, and drink, and sleep, and other things.
This was Watt’s first surmise of any interest on the subject of Mr Knott.
And Mr Knott, needing nothing if not, one, not to need, and, two, a witness to his not needing, of himself knew nothing. And so he needed to be witnessed. Not that he might know, no, but that he might not cease.
From Samuel Beckett's Watt. That's a hell of a quote. I'll try and figure it out later.
For any stoners out there in blogland, do yourself a favor and buy a bag or twelve of the peanut butter and chocolate Poppycock. Thank me later.
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