
Some fruit named Apple had the audacity to condescend to me. Today. Of all days. No one condescends to me!!! I am the Queen!! My complaints are always justified and never whiney. Its just that no one properly understands my pain and frustration. . .
Its clear that my readers have mutinied.
Thus, dear inhabitants of this Headland, i have been forced into a noble exile. Until tomorrow. When i mature. Maybe.
As long as i'm here, though, and Head, the ruler, is not, i thought we might just have a casual little discussion about your views on his leadership. I mean, i'm sure you're all loyal and the Head is a wonderful leader. I'm sure. I'm not questioning that. Nope.
It just occurred to me, how great it is that you're all a part of such a profitable blog and how grateful you must be to the Head for his strong leadership and brilliant economic policy.
What? You didn't know this blog was generating revenues? I mean, i didn't think it was a secret. The Head simply mentioned to me in a few emails that the blog was making tons of money, although, it seems most of the profits were generated from the sales of quips in the comments section. I'm sure he was exxagerating, though. He must have been. After all, its not like the Head is sitting around enjoying the goodlife drinking fine wines and liqueurs, sating himself gluttonously on piles of nutritionless consumer-food.
Well it appears some people have the benefit of actually knowing the Head.
Some people make their political decisions based on personal knowledge and fancy meals rather than hearsay, speculation, and the sway of good spin tactics. I think its clear, ladies and gentlemen, that these people are abnormal, aberrations! I appeal to you, the common man, the everyday citizen, my comrades, to make your decisions based on the values which have mis-guided political bodies over centuries; fear, jealousy, suspicion, avarice and ignorance!!
Off with his Head!
Its time for a new leader! A leader who will send you candy! A leader who will drink your booze, eat your food. .a leader who is humble enough to accept large gifts and cash donations!
Why are you lighting those torches? Look, I was just joking, having a little fun, . . this sweater is flammable. . .
OhmiGod, is that an armadillo?-->
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I will crush all dissent! My wrath will be swift and terrible!
What would you rather have - a leader who drinks your booze - or a leader who gets you drunk?
And the quips are only a chapter in the book. And I only got an advance for it so far.
Hey, you think I'll turn into a jerk when I'm all crazy rich?
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