Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Head is tired.

Well, there's nothing better than skipping work on a rainy Tuesday but I guess that the corollary is that it sucks the next day when you actually have to go to work after tasting sweet, sweet freedom the day before.
Yeah, who am I kidding? It's not like I'm breaking my back in a coal mine here. The next week or so will be preparing for the Society for Neuroscience Meeting at the end of the month. Data to be analyzed, figures to be made, etc.
Tonight, in lieu of watching the debate, I will be having a Michael Caine Double Feature. Get Carter and The Italian Job. The remakes both sucked so I'm going to the originals. I haven't seen the original Get Carter since Blockbuster never had it (Thank you Netflix!) and am fairly excited. Michael Caine is sweet. Not the weenie "The Cidar House Rules"/ "Miss Congeniality" Michael Caine ("Goodnight you princes of Sealab.") but the "Zulu"/ gangsta Mikey. Oh, put "Zulu" up there next to BTILC on great hungover Sunday movies. It's friggin' sweet.
Back to tonight. Watching the debates is like an obsession with people around here. I could see it if they were undecided or even able to be persuaded to switch, but all of these people made up their minds a long time ago. They even have little debate parties. Basically it's sit around, drink one beer (maybe two if they're feeling crazy) and spout jerkoff platitudes at the right time. It's a self-congratulating circle jerk. Look at us! We're enfranchised! We care about everything! We're wonderful, and intellectual, and politically minded! Love us! Respect us!
You know these people too. It's like a bunch of creationists having a debate on evolution.
And no Evil Doctor, I'm not saying that because I'm for Bush. I'm voting for Kerry (oh no, it's supposed to be secret! I've fucked it all up!).

Update (9:41): Holy Fucking Balls! I just got a call form the detective on our break in. He asked what kind of booze thay took. He has some juvenile suspects in custody and some recovered property. Some shit (chainsaws, etc.) that isn't ours but there was another victim in the neighborhood. He's going to property storage now and is going to call me back with the names of the booze and descriptions of the jewelry.
Since I had a bunch of unusual/ rare (as in identifiable - since I'm pretty sure only my liquor store sells some of the bottles - and I'm 99% positive I'm the only one that bought a bottle of that calvados since they just got it in) booze taken it's kind of funny that me being a drunk may be how we get our stuff back. First we save $1K and now (maybe - cross your fingers) victory may be ours.

Update 2 (11:34): Oh yeah, "Hero" rocked hard. I'm gonna go see it in the theaters now (fuck you P2P critics - I still consume) b/c it was visually stunning. Ending was kind of blah but all in all it RAWKED! (as Isabella would say).


At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You troglodyte!! Both the electoral & popular votes are almost 50:50 -- tonight's debate could decide the election. Jesus!!


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You troglodyte!! Both the electoral & popular votes are almost 50:50 -- tonight's debate could decide the election. Jesus!!


At 12:25 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Evil Doctor, you missed my point entirely. But you're a pinko so that's understandable. All you guys do is preach to the converted (like all of those anti-Bush emails going around - they always get sent to like-minded individuals. Everyone gets enraged that the president is an incompetent retard, and all of these emails fly, like anyone the email is going to doesn't know this already. C'mon people, all that rage is bad - and inefficient. Get mad to people that it matters that you get mad at, or to).

The Ash-Hole got my point, and while I see some of his position I'm not sure that they (football vs. canned, evasive responses to simple questions) can be equated. Then again if it was the Lions playing...
Also, your fantasy football team sucks ass, so maybe football has lost its charm for you.

Either way there's no way anyone in their right mind would choose drinking microbrews with pseudointellectual ponces (as The Dean would say) over drinking whiskeys with The Head during a Michael Caine Double Feature.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Some Warrior said...

Interestingly enough, the Head doesnt seem to realize that i've already made plans with the Canadians so they are coming over to watch the debate at our house tonight. Wont he be surprised! Isnt it our duty to educate these dang "ferners" about the glorious democratic process? I dont think the Head is fullfilling his civil duty...And by the way, the Evil Dr. called Head a troglodyte. Priceless.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Lady Head! I'm appalled. You're supposed to know The Head best of all. How could you do this to me?
Fine, you and those dirty ferners can watch the stupid debate. I'll drink whiskey alone in the bedroom watching The Michael Caine Double Feature.
Watch your step missy. Fear my wrath.
(actually that's a hollow threat. There's only 2 things I'm afraid of...and both of them is Lady Head. Ba-dum-bump CRASH!)

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Some Warrior said...

Ah, dearest Head. You can't watch the Michael Caine features in the other room. REMEMBER OUR DVD PLAYER WAS STOLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 2:50 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Michael Caine 4-eva!!!!

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

Head, i think i dig;

You're saying its fine to watch the debate as one would a superbowl game-- to acknowledge that one is watching it for its entertainment value but to adopt an attitude of self-righteousness about it, to act as if one's viewing of the debate makes one a more informed voter, is, in most cases, just that--pretentious, and the product of a desire to feel superior to the individual by joining the masses?

If that is what you're saying i say,"TESTIFY! HALLELUJAH!"

If that is not what you're saying, i say,"whatev."


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