Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Jesus Fucking Christ

This day will never fucking end. It's only 2:30. I can't do anything b/c I promised myself I wouldn't. Somebody fucking entertain me. I've checked every blog, news-site, forum, humorsite, gamesite, etc. a hundred fucking times. I am bored out of my fucking skull. Christ people, don't you care about The Head? Tell me a story or something. I don't care. Just something to push the boredom out of my melon. I'm dying here.
Normally I'm good at entertaining myself (only boring people get bored - as my high school calc teacher would say) but for some reason I just can't do it today.
(I did have a reuben for lunch so the day's not a total waste.)


At 2:43 PM, Blogger The Head said...

C'mon brah, I read that 18 picoseconds after you put it up.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Some Warrior said...

Head, i am sorry but some of us, when at work, actually DO work. I cannot justify leaving early seeing that we will be having a 4-day holiday weekend shortly. Plus, i dont want to have to work on a presentation over the weekend when i could do it all in the next two days. Head is being selfish. Its not like he has to come back from a 4 day weekend bender and have to present a talk to room full of fuckwads. Like i do. Also, Topiary just asked me if i was taking off Friday and i said Fzzuck yeah! and she was like "Wow. Usually when people stay in town they are expected to come into lab the day after T-day." Like FUCKING hell. Friday is my fucking holiday bitches. No one is taking that away from me. So count yer blessings, Head. We "are expected" to be in Friday. I feel bad for whoever's expectations are going to be dashed.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger The Head said...

OK, quick tally. Who in the blogosphere would have let me sleep in today?
And Topiary Girl isn't exactly Miss Here-all-the-fucking-time herself.
Selfish? The only reason I came to work today was to drive you in.

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Some Warrior said...

Maybe a better reason of "why you even came into work today" was, well TO GET A FUCKING PAYCHECK. Yeah, okay, hey, nice, that's a good reason to go to work, huh? Yes, money to support fine organizations like Party Poker and Ultimate Bet Poker...

At 3:11 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Paycheck, schmaycheck. I'm on salary. And unless they want me to burn this fucking place down they know better than to fire me.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Some Warrior said...

Whatever happened to you wanting to get a nice, faculty position, so i could be a woman of leisure? Women of leisure don't need rides to work on rainy mornings. They drive their Cadillac SUVs to the nail salon and to the gym and to lunch with the girls or they stay home to make sure the pool boy is "well qualified."

At 3:15 PM, Blogger The Head said...

And they'll give me a fakking job if they know what's good for them (burn this place down, etc.) Although,The Head was born to be a househusband.

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Some Warrior said...

But house-husbands have to do chores around the house, or at least bitch at the immigrant housekeepers to do so, and you are too lazy and straight to have an affair with the pool boy...

At 3:19 PM, Blogger The Head said...

No more yanky my wanky, The Donger needs food.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

I'm glad you guys decided not to adopt me. All of this bickering might've warped me.


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