Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy fakking new year!

Hi everyone! The Head is back. Kid Awesome is going to the airport in a couple of hours and my holidays will officially be over.
Pretty much exausted. Brain fuzzy. Muscles atrophied. Fat more plentiful. Organs hurt.
Not too healthy. Possibility of mental an physical collapse increasing.
I need a vacation.
Fuck it.

First one here was the evil twin on the 20th (?). As always a rough houseguest. Everyday woke up at 6am and made coffee. Would't be worth mentioning if A) our coffemaker wasn't one of those grindy ones that wakes up the whole house, and B) if he didn't drink the last bean of coffee in the whole house before anyone else woke up and I had to go to the fucking store for coffee all hungover after an ice storm (I learned TN does have these - the rest of the time it was quite pleasant). Also he smoked all of the cheeba. Also he basically only drinks red wine (he's a francophile and considers that the only worthwhile drink). Which again would be fine if he didn't wipe out my winerack, including the out-of-my-pricerange wine I bought for Xmas dinner. He did this in the morning too. A lot of other annoyances like combining meat and potatoes in tupperware and we say - "You can't do that, SEDA is a vegetarian", he says "It's no big deal" and continues doing that, etc. etc. Oh, and the setting shit on fire.
Next, and overlapping, were the Ash-holes. Wonderful houseguests and people. We rocked the mic that rocks the party, showed them how it's done, kicked ass and took names, took care of bidness, stuck it to the man, and partied like it's 1999.
I've learned that the Ash-hole is more "all that is man" than I am (see previous posts and his blog).
They left and Kid Awesome came in. First off I had to write these recommendation letters for him for grad school. Then we got tore up and watched awful movies.
Actually, the whole 2 weeks had its fair share of terrible movies. King Arthur - even worse than I expected, Collateral - really bad, and it wasn't just the bad acting: lots of lazy writing in that one - deus ex machinas galore! I can't remember all of the rest right now.
Two nice suprises were American Movie and Eurotrip. American Movie is about this white trash wannabe filmaker from WI trying to make his dream film. Just wonderful. And don't get confused, not wonderful in the wow-he's-a-genius way, but awesome in the holy-shit-is-this-guy-fucked-up-and-wow-so-is-that-guy-and wow-her-too-etc.-trainwreck-kind-of-way. And I actually laughed my ass off at Eurotrip. A pleasant suprise since we were in that hungover-can't-figure-out-what-to-do-should-we-watch-a-movie-or-play-video-games-or-go-out-but-football's-on-and-maybe-we-should-play-cards-but-we-don't-feel-like-doing-anything-but-we're-so-bored mood and that movie saved us.
New Year's Eve party was good. After midnight most of the people left and Kid Awesome, Jeff and Kristen, and The Heads stayed up smoking and watched 100 scariest horror moments or whatever it's called.
Last night Kid Awesome and I went out to the Goldrush and then came home and watched movies. We did decide that The Da Vinci Code was a rip off of Hudson Hawk.
Today was brunch at Jackson's. Mimosas do the Head well.


At 11:28 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Yeah, ask Deano about my boss's antics.
Mike Schank was the best (the burnout friend). Uncle Bill was the old guy.
I can see hating that guy. It may be a one viewing pleasure.
You didn't mention Eurotrip, however.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Turbo, I don't understand you. You like TGTTM but not Venture Bros. and didn't think Eurotrip was funny? What about the little german kid goose-stepping? I thought it was funny as hell.
And Collateral was truly awful. I mean sucked ass. How about when Jamie Foxx has to talk his way out of the cops pulling him over and at the last minute they get a call "shots fired" and have to leave? That's just lazy writing.
And the nightclub scene? The target's security, an FBI swat team, a shitload of cops, all the club's security, and the mexican gangster gunmen in there and Tom Cruise rips and kills at will AND just drives away scott free?
Those are only two of the shitty things in that awful movie.
Seriously, it sucked bad.
Happy New Year, jerk.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger The Head said...

I'm still pissed Caruso managed to get another hit show. When that ugly fucker left NYPD Blue his career should of died. "Kiss of Death" would've been a good movie had he not been in it.

Turbo, I'm considering dropping you from my "Pop Culture Pimps I Respect" list. TGTTM sucks ass and so do your movies. Collateral?

You used to sing along to the Ally McBeal theme song when it came on. In fact, you referred to Mondays as "Ally Nite" and made sure not to make other plans. You and the girls would get some Ben and Jerry pints and totally pig out and dish gossip. Then you'd compare asses. You were proud yours wasn't the fattest but you were jealous of Sandy's breasts. Gosh, will you ever find a man?

Now you're sad that Ally (and Friends) is gone but you still have Joey (he's so funny and adorable), Will and Grace, and According to Jim. Jim can be a bit too manly but he's got a good heart and it does come through, in spite of his buffoonery.

You also watch CSI, but sometimes it's too smart for you.

OMG! New season of Alias! You're sooooo excited.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger The Head said...

Nice try Turbo but I don't watch that show. Lady Head is a fan though and do you really want to unleash her wrath?


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