Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Kill those little fuckers

The Head is conflicted.

Nicholas Kristof had a column last week in the NYT saying they should bring back DDT in Indonesia. I think I agree. Screw Rachel Carson. A lot of smart people think that DDT isn't bad. Considering how many people die due to malaria, dengue fever, etc. every year I think it's time to look at this shit. Even Nader, Greenpeace, and the WWF support limited spraying (from the Kristof article - it's from Jan 8. I'm not linking it b/c it's on their pay-to-read list now).

It's tough since my undergrad bio profs were crazed environmentalists and I've definitely been influenced by them. However, a lot of the studies supporting the DDT ban (especially the mouse liver ones and raptor eggshell ones) are full of conjecture. I'm hesitant to cast my vote (since I'm a big time policy maker).

Not sure what to think. All pesticides = bad right? Someone smart weigh in. I love raptors.

Also tonight, the Jack Johnson documentary is on PBS. It was on last night too I think. I hope it's not 2 parts and I missed the first. I love the fact when you're reading about the fights "The fight was set for 45 rounds ." I'm assuming this is the knockdown-rule round and not the time-period rounds but it's still fucked. Does anyone know for sure?

Lastly, why the fuck is Robert DeNiro doing AmEx commercials. Granted he hasn't made a good movie in a long time but WTF?


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