Monday, September 19, 2005

Lame Monday Post

What a terrific weekend!
First off, Saturday we had a wine and cheese party to celebrate my birthday and Lady Head's crushing of her qualifying exam.
It was hilarious, we had limited the guest list to 10 of the most sophisticated people we know around here. Lady Head said it was going to be civilized so she was going to open 4 bottles of wine. I just laughed at her and went to the liquor store to buy more wine. She said "What did you do that for? It's a tasting." I laughed harder. Long story short, something on the order of 14 bottles of wine, most of a homewrecker of JD, and multiple ports later we all were roaring drunk outside. Good think the Head Compound is fairly isolated.
I'm pretty sure I was charming and witty as always.
Then next day was "There is no fucking way I'm leaving the house today and you're damn lucky if I leave this bed."
It was the perfect hungover day. It was the first fall day, climate-wise and we opened all the windows and watched movies in bed. Sin City is a kick-ass hangover movie.
Moving on, and I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but The War at Home is quite possible the worst fucking show that has ever aired. Good Lord man, the spot between The Simpsons and Family Guy is platinum and you shove that crap in there. Clearly that's where Arrested Development belongs. Although Monday's are even more awesome now since Arrested is there now.
Also, if you're bored at work go listen to the Hitchens-Galloway debate at
I love British people arguing. They're mean as hell.
I used the direct links and the debate actually starts about 30 minutes into the second link. Try to get it close because otherwise you'll listen to a bunch of morons circle-jerk each other for 1.5 hours. Seriously, these people make me wish we had more wars just out of spite for their granola chewing asses.


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