Monday, September 27, 2004

Supersize my nuts.

JayLeigh got me thinking about the wonderful fast food industry.

I hate Morgan Spurlock. Of course I haven't seen "Supersize Me" but I already know it's gonna piss me off.

What an expose! Hard-hitting documentary journalism! Newsflash! Eating McDonald's every day makes you fat! Go fuck yourself Morgan. I'm glad you permanently damaged your health, you self-righteous asshole.

I want the supersized meal. Now we can't have it, jerkoff.

Self-control people. Maybe a little exercise?

Where else in the world (or what other species) has access to cheap, tasty, calorie-rich food? We're successful!

Also, If I were the defense attorneys for those lawsuits against KFC, etc. by fat people sueing b/c KFC made them fat I'd tell them to bring me all the receipts.

Short, disjointed post but I actually have to get some work done today.


At 9:01 AM, Blogger The Head said...

You have to keep talking. Your voice needs to be heard in these trying times.
Wells/Head '04


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