Thursday, October 14, 2004

Yeah, OK.

So I watched the fucking debate last night. Not that I had much of a choice. I did squeeze in "Get Carter" though. Tonight will be "The Italian Job".
The Canadians came over and Lady Head cooked the perfect fall (autumn) meal.
I began with a Boodles martini. Then goat cheese salad. Main course was breaded pork chops with warm applesauce and scalloped potatoes, accompanied by a glass or two of La Chablisienne. After dinner we had Macallan 12yr. I was only planning on having one or two but we were smoking outside, enjoying the fall weather and I saw our neighbors. I invited them over for a nightcap to update them on the progress in the investigation. Long story short, my neighbor and I showed that bottle who's its daddy. Lady Head and I had another dinner at 1am and then we were off to bed.

OK, on to important topics. Being surrounded by academics, I know people who don't drink and take pride in the fact that they don't own a television (or do own one but only watch "important" stuff). The asskicker is that they're always bitching about how busy they are and how little free time they have. What the fuck are these people doing all day? Please, someone explain it to me. I drink and watch a shitload of TV and still have time for cooking, lifting, running, reading, and poker. Granted, not all of these are mutually exclusive with drinking and watching TV but still. If I didn't drink or watch TV I'd have the Nobel Prize by now. What are they doing?!?!!

Also, anyone who has a permanent quote in their email signature, take it out. Seriously. Yes, we know you' re well read and a big thinker but for fuck's sake I have to see that same thing every fucking email you send. It makes you look like an ass. It's the electronic bumper sticker.
The best was a grad student in Chicago that actually has a quote from herself (!) at the end of all of her emails. Yeah, she actually cited herself and everything.

So to end on a quote:

"I need to get my yin and yang in harmony because I... FRIGGIN' LOVE HARMONY!!!"

Update: Check out my sweet new list of other blogs on the side. Props to Isabella for showing me how to do it.


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

That dinner is making me feel like a red-headed orphan out of Oliver Twist.

Will you and Lady Head adopt me?

I mean, sure, i'm 26, but i have a lot of growing up to do, i can be childishly gleeful and yet i'm past that surly, blame the parents stage.

Think about it. Talk to Lady Head. Get back to me.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger The Head said...

We'll see. Can you do chores we give you? Actually, I have read your blog, so no, you can't. "Isabella, did you take out the garbage?", "Isabella, clean your room!"
Plus we'd have to be worried about boys and such. You know they're only after one thing. As a father I don't want their grubby hands on my little girl.
Parenthood is a big step. Lots of stress.

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Wow Head! thanks for the link, you are a real sweetie x


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