Wednesday, November 03, 2004

We. Are. Fucked.

Can someone please explain to me why democratic presidential candidates still pick southern running mates? It's not like they'll carry any of those inbred hick states (yeah, I know I live in Tennessee, but I'm an expatriate from the North).
Seriously, pick someone form the midwest. Fuck, pick Kucinich. He can certainly swing 70K votes out of 5 million and the election is ours. Pretty much every state was gonna vote the same as in 2000 so pick someone from a state that matters. Christ, pick John Glenn's semi-corpse.

Well, at least I look like a jack booted thug. A Good German, as HST would say. Maybe I can switch. You pinkos are fucked. I'll be kicking down your door soon.

I was up 'til 3:30 watching the assholes at CNN verbally masturabating. Then I got a call form the missus at 10:30 saying I was supposed to take a speaker to lunch. I was in charge too. So -zoom- came to work, grabbed some people for lunch, looked up this guys research to make conversation and had him at the restaurant by 11:40. I was my usual charming self and ended up killing the extra hour after lunch bullshitting with him over Starbuck's. Why when they give us 2+ hour lunches does everyone rip through everything in <1h. Scientists suck ass.

Oh, Ohio?


At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ash-hole,

If you need someone to perform that procedure for you, remember that while several people on this site are trained neuroscientists, only one of them lives next door.

Hot Rod

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

Dear Head,

Glad you enjoyed some of my ramblings at Fagistan, even though you once threatened to kill me or some shit.

A couple of important notes:

1. "Scientists suck ass" is my new favorite phrase. I only wish they were sucking my ass.

2. The last Democrat to win a presidential election was a little man from Arkansas whose running mate was from Tennessee. The last three Democratic presidents were all Southerners (His Extreme Bitchin' Excellency LBJ, Mr. Peanut the Friendly Douchebag Carter and the aformentioned Arkansan.) The last Democratic Presidential ticket to win without a Southerner on it was 1948, when Truman picked Alben Barkley of Kentucky, a border state, as his running mate. The case for Southerners is, therefore, strong. Though I'd agree that taking a break from both the Northeast and the South for a few cycles is a great plan. (The South-New England combo seems particularly bad, having failed us twice in a row.)

At 11:20 AM, Blogger The Head said...

Yeah, Joshua, I mainly meant for this election it was stupid to pick a southerner since most of the swing states weren't Mississippi, etc. Things have changed. Write off those hicks.
Plus, Clinton could have won with a dead body on the ticket. Wait, that sounds about right.
Also, nothing personal about the "going to have you shot" thing. Just crushing dissent.
And have you seen many scientists? There not the prettiest or most charming. I'm sure you can do better for all of your ass-sucking needs.

At 3:31 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

What are you talking about? Stephen Hawking is friggin' hot!


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