Monday, December 13, 2004

Suck it people

Originally I had a "Monday" quote up there but I'm going to gradually try and de-suckify my blog.

OK, weekend. Friday - girls night. I whooped some ass as the manservant. They had the bell and I kept making drinks, cleaning up spills, switching movies, etc.. Lady Head and the Canadian had champagne cocktails, Topiary Girl had Frangelico, and Madame Nonesuch was drinking dirty martinis. I made crab-stuffed mushroom caps and double chocolate muffins for snacking. Basically I just played poker until I heard the bell. Won a couple of hundred so it was a good night. I also had that "Monster" bacon double cheeseburger from Hardee's. Was fantastic but I thought it would be bigger. Not as impressive as the commercials make out.

Saturday - TV, poker, video games. Watched I'll Sleep when I'm Dead. Now, Clive Owen's the man but this movie sucked. GTA is getting even better.

Sunday - went to the Coach store and bought one of Lady Head's Xmas presents, another fucking purse. This makes 7,000 I think.
Finally saw Blade: Trinity. Good. Jessica Biel was hot and kicked a lot of ass. Wesley was awesome as usual. Ryan Reynolds was good - he basically was the same character he was in Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place except he shot people. Parker Posey was phenomenal. Even Triple H was good.
Also I saw some interesting previews. Now XXX sucked. Really sucked. Truly awful. And they're making a sequel. But, here's the best part - Ice Cube is the new XXX. Might be worth a look since the Cube is fantastic.
Oh I forgot to mention - add Germain-Robin grappa to my drinking list. Willi got me a bottle some time ago and I loved it. Got a new bottle of a different varietal and it's also wonderful. So any grappa by them. Grappa's funny, it's either good or fucking terrible. No middle ground.

Today I'm working on figures for this neverending paper. Lady Head's neuroanatomy final is today so we're probably gonna tear it up tonight.

Well it's time to work I guess. Like a sucker.


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