Monday, January 03, 2005

King Dong

Fucking A. As if screwing up the last LOTR movie wasn't enough, that fatbody Peter Jackson (I did love the first two LOTR and Dead Alive though) is remaking King Kong. What an egotistical ass.

Which reminds me. If there's one actor out there who's as good as Kurt Russell it's Ray Liotta. He should have gotten the Oscar for his King Kong rant in Phoenix. ("What do they do? They put in a big fucking door!")

Speaking of, Phoenix is a sweet movie. Go rent it.

Plus it has the best (and the fattest) Baldwin brother and Anthony LaPaglia. Now, granted, they're pretty shitty actors, but they fit these roles perfectly.



At 10:53 AM, Blogger The Head said...

Oh, and a million "Head Fun Bucks" to anyone who can tell me where I can get that rant online.


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