Monday, December 13, 2004

Respect, walk

Dimebag Darrell deserves his own post. People aren't taking this seriously. Sure, every year on the anniversary of Lennon getting killed we have to hear everyone from CNN to shitty radio stations talk about it ad infinitum. Well, I guess it ends the next day but I needs some pretension on this here blog.
Anyhoo, why isn't this on the news more? He was in Pantera for Christ's sake! Yeah, I just compared Pantera to the Beatles. Fuck you too. I like The Beatles but Pantera was special too me. Vulgar Display of Power is one of the greateat albums ever. It came out and TOPPED the billboard in 1992. At the height of the shitty grunge movement, Pantera topped it. No whiny introspection, no oversensitive crybabying in a "rock" costume. Just general badassedness.
Pantera is what Slayer, Sepultura, etc. tried to be - but ain't.
My college career was defined by three albums - Cypress Hill's Black Sunday, Beastie Boy's Paul's Boutique (by then an oldie), and VDOP.
All this week I will listen to Pantera nonstop.
R.I.P. Dimebag.


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