Thursday, January 20, 2005

Yay food! Boo computers!

Why is she Lady Head you ask? Because she's awesome.
So I have really poor financial skills. As in I like spending money. So Lady Head is the financial brains behind Team Head. But, because of her anti-dime day stance ( - I'd link it shorter but for some reason this mac won't let me) she's opening the pursestrings so we can tear it up old style Head. Tonight we are going to Nick and Rudy's for a bit of the good life.

Speaking on Dime Day, is gambling considered taboo? Transfer of wealth and all that. Took 2nd last night in my live game. Finished after midnight so I ogt an early start counterprotesting.

I should put in a disclaimer: we don't like Bush and all that, but "Not One Damn Dime Day" is super-retarded and that's why we're protesting it.

This weekend we are having the Owls over for rabbit stew and ostrich something. I can't remember the name, we got a bunch of shit from D'Artagnan and are psyched to cook it up.

So why am I on a mac you say? Because my computer is FUUUUUUCKED. Technician coming over to help me. Seriously, if I lose these files I'm gonna wreck up this place. Moving on.

Getting back to us being bon vivants we are going to try and go to "Cocktails in the Country" this year. It's that guy Gary Regan and his wife's two day seminar on cocktails. If anyone wants to do this with us that'd be awesome (I'm looking at you Evil Doctor and Deano). It's a pretty sweet deal. They pick you up in a limo on Sat morning in Manhattan, drive you to somewhere north of the city. Then it's just seminars and eating and drinking. Return Sunday. Lodging, food, and some drinks all for $150 (the liquor companies subsidize it). Details can be found at
These people are gods of cocktails. This weekend I'm planning to try this dessert cocktail they invented to go with chocolate torts: cognac, ruby port, and gingerbread syrup. I can't figure out why I'd want to try this but what the hell?


At 5:07 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

Wow. this sounds a little reverse double reflection dialectic Hegelian to me. I'm just sayin'. .

Of course, i think its perfectly fine to protest something just because you feel compelled to do so with any harmless gesture you see fit. So Bon Apetit.

At 5:40 PM, Blogger The Head said...

B.O.B. I will try to keep it up to keep you happy.

Isabella, them's a lot o' fancy words. I have no idea what you're talking about so I'm assuming you're saying I'm a jerk.

At 6:16 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

I would never say such a thing.

What i'm saying is, protesting a protest because you think it's pointless or stupid or will not have a great effect, with a gesture that does not go beyond your own family unit is a little oxymoronic. But i hope you enjoy it, because you want to do it.

If all those people not spending a dime today feel a little better because of it (read: not holier-than-thou but more optimistic about the dismal political state) where is the harm?
Yeah, maybe they've done no good for the economy they lament, but you're spending money today isn't going to turn any granola-eatting, self-righteous hippie into anything else, either. It just makes you feel like you have freewill-- which is all these kids are really looking for, too.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Really, it said all that?

The harm they're doing is to my mood. They are carpet-bombing my disposition. Hence I must counter. With spite. Spite makes the Head whole again.

And you've obviously never been to a Head dinner. We prop up the economy. We're top-notch consumers.

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Protest the protest of the protest, I protest. Sheep revolt to prove they are not sheep, yet simply find themselves following someone besides their old shepherd. A sheep is now the shepherd and the flock wanders aimlessly. The Head waits as a wolf, to devour the tasty sheep broiled to perfection and served with only the finest wine.

At 7:31 PM, Blogger The Head said...

Top notch, stranger! No signature?

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

If your dinners prop up the economy than all their abstinence will, too.

As i said, i was just sayin', in the wise, wise words of Sheryl Crow, if it makes you, or them, happy, it can't be that bad.


At 7:38 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

i meant prop down the economy for the abstinence part. the double inverse negative reflection. yeah.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

Did Sheryl Crow even write that song?


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