Friday, February 18, 2005

I know not all that may be coming, but be what it will, I'll go in laughing.

Holy shit. What's that strange sensation? It's so odd, yet familiar. I know I've felt it before. What could it be?
OMFG! Motivation!
Motivation had burst through. I actually am doing some science today!
Found out that I am eligible for that super-postdoc training program and they're sending the advertisement out within a month or two. Then I decided that I really need to get these fucking manuscripts out fucking tout de suite so I can put them on my CV when I apply. That one m.s. was delayed because of a fucked up figure and I couldn't find decent slides to retake it (don't ask what happened to the originals) for fucking forever but that little bastard Motivation made me look through everything and I got a slide and got the figure fixed in about an hour (weeks after I first noticed the fuckup).
Did a bunch of writing on the other m.s. as well.
And if Deano finishes editing the third one (on the study which is actually first chronologically) I may actually be able to have a career someday.
So I'm in a pretty sweet mood right now.


At 2:52 PM, Blogger Some Warrior said...

Typical man. Takes credit for everything himself. Never giving credit to the woman BEHIND the man. Who was it that made that little "GO SAM" sign out of note-cards and a coffee stirrer this morning? And who shoved it in your face ever time you wandered into non-motivated territory? Or who handed down the mandate this morning that you arent allowed to play party poker until you show some productivity around work? Who is this mysterious force behind the highly motivated scientist that is the Head???


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