Happy Booze Day!

So I never felt closer to this article than today. Specifically the staying home from work and drinking because a good movie was on. I had to come home after working out to wait for the HVAC guy to come inspect our unit. They rescheduled for Weds. but I really did not feel like going to work. Then I saw Killing Zoe was about to start and I hadn't seen that movie in ages. Unfortunately I actually didn't drink and celebrate "Booze Day" and I just came in to work.
Sigh. Someday.
The other thing is I'm about fed up with these spammers. While I'm mildly entertained by how they half-heartedly try to give an appearance that they are actual bloggers that just stumbled on your blog and they really like your writing (pretty much proof that they haven't read word one of this blog).
Also, it's pretty evident that I have nobody to argue with down here since I continuously and purposely take The Ash-Hole's lame baiting in my comment section just for the pleasure of arguing with someone.
My last word on that subject is that he's a dirty pinko hippie and I am awesome.
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