Monday, November 15, 2004

Gotta get those compulsive gambers

Hilarious. I get email updates form my poker sites.
Here's part of the one I got today:

Why not play one of our weekday afternoon events?
MONDAY-WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY AT 4PM UST$5+.50 no-limit hold’em with rebuys and a $5000 guarantee.
TUESDAY-THURSDAY AT 4PM UST$10+1 no-limit hold’em with rebuys and a $7500 guarantee.

The best thing is it made me want to leave work and go play poker.

Gambling's funny. I played some Sat. morning. Won $400. Then later I played some more, lost $23. Then, later, I said to myself "I can't believe I lost $23. I'm gonna win that back from those fuckers." I did, but that's not the point. I'm psychotic.



At 2:39 PM, Blogger The Head said...

It's more of a newsletter. It lets me know about bonuses and tourneys. It's OK if I read it. It really is. Right?
And you have no room to talk. You read my blog.


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