Friday, November 05, 2004

Moving On. Through Spite!

Sigh. Went for pancakes, ended up with a french dip. Not that the french dip is bad but the pancake place was too long of a wait so I went next door. Normally, frech dip is top notch but I was in the mood for pancakes.
This weekend we're off to Cleveland to pick up Nacho. We'll be seeing both Baby on Board (from Hamster on the Wheel ) as well as St. Jude. So, Team Head, feel free to guest post.
Now to the point of the title. I was pretty bummed about the election but in the past 24 hours I have managed to climb out from under the dark cloud. How did I do it you ask? Well dumbass, the title of this post tells you: Through Spite! Yes, our great friend Spite. How much unpleasantness and problems has she cured? How much motivation has she given us? Now she put depression about this whole election on the run!

See, here's what she did. She was hiding deep in the recesses over this whole thing until a couple of days after. See, I was feeling pure. At one with a LOT of other people (tens of millions in fact). Now that's not usually my bag but hey, we had a common enemy. I started trawling the internet, talking to professor-types, watching the news, etc. See, a lot of stuff I've been seeing is the ultraliberal response. Equating Bush with Hitler, saying they're gonna move out of the country, etc. (It's a democracy people. Sometimes other people don't vote the way you want them too. If you leave, you're an asshole - anyways, like you're gonna leave your cushy faculty job to go work as a carpenter in the French counrtyside.)

Then all of a sudden - BAM!- Spite was back! Sure I'm in a bad way. Goodbye funding, goodbye rights, goodbye Social Security. But there's a lot of people I don't like that are absolutely miserable. And that makes me feel better. Yeah, I'm horrible, but try it! It works! All of these relativist academics saying people in "The Heartland" are stupid and WRONG (!). Hilarious. Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Noam, etc. Ha ha ha! You suck.

Thank you Spite. Thank you for letting me turn off higher cognitive function. Wait that's too smart.

Thank you Spite. Thank you for letting me turn off mah book learnin'. Screw those ivory tower pricks.


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