Tuesday, January 25, 2005

What's up bone diddlies?

Jack Bauer is a fucking ninja.
OK, what's happening? First off I won back almost all of the pile of money I lost in December. Most of it in one drunken, hubris filled weekend. Yay, me. I finally finished flight school in GTA and am well into the Las Venturas missions.

Back to my perusal of random blogs. I am peeved that people keep talking about the "free exchange of ideas" that blogs enable but 99.44% of them are the blogger preaching to the converted. Anytime someone disagrees with the blogger they and their coterie blast them and threaten to block them, etc.. Now, I grant you, most people's disagreements are often assholey but it's not a crime to bring up the other side. Bible beaters, talk to the heathens, and vice versa.

Moving on, to spur debate, I find that people who don't drink coffee in the morning and instead drink coke or mountain dew to be vulgar. Grow up people. You're out of the dorms now. Now some of my best friends are these people but I still think this is wrong.

I'm actually in work today working on my sweet project. If it works out it'll look like I've been busting ass. Also, one of the people in charge of that program is very excited to talk to me about the program. Keep your fingers crossed b/c if I get this I'm on easy street. I'll know more this week.

I've learned that mixing cognac and port is kickass. Makes you super witty.

I also saw something on TV about that Metallica documentary. Man, did they turn into a bunch of pussies or what? It's about feelings, Lars. But they're currently under boycott until they unsissy-fy themselves. Seriously, if you're a rock star, and you go to rehab, and it takes, you should either leave the business entirely or make different types of music. Now that Hetfield is all sober they suck (actually they've been sucking for a while but my point still holds). Aerosmith should have been killed off a long time ago.

And not to beat a dead horse but "It's about the music." "It's about the music." "We're artists." "What? This thing is affecting our bottom line? Kill it." Guess what asshole, you're not an artist, you're an entertainer. I'm glad I stole all of their songs off of the net. Reminds me of that forum here about internet piracy (Chuck D was on it - awesome) and this shitty songwriter chick was whining that "I deserve to make a living the way I wants." Yeah right, gutterslut. I wonder if the people in the tallow industry whined this bad when the light bulb was invented. I hate people.

Tonight we are going to a birthday party at some bar. Should be a good time.

We have signed up for a wine class through our liquor store that runs the month of February. Every Tuesday, and it times up so we can get all liquored up and home in time for Dog: The Bounty Hunter.

That's it for now. Did anyone leave early yesterday? Well, I'm leaving early today so you should too.


At 1:17 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

a)most blogs suck-- as a self-professed people hater, i'd think this would be an a priori suppostion for you

b)cognac & port? mm. It will be tried.

c)Artists? gag me. Hollywood and the music industry mass market entertainment like taiwanese toys.

d)I love how "I hate people." immediately precedes "Tonight we are going to a birthday party at some bar. Should be a good time." Head: a walking paradox but not annoyingly alanis morissette about it.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Isabella said...

'cause i hate alanis morissette.

it really pissed me off when they made her god. barf.

At 3:26 PM, Blogger The Head said...

You pointed out an inconsistency in my blog! I will kill you!
Just kidding. Had to channel other bloggers there. I hate People. Not people. People's a funny word when you look at it. People. Hah.

ED, GTA is about so much more than carjacking. And I did say some of my best friends were these bastards that drink pop in the a.m. My liquor store is pretty badass.


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